Easter Kit 2025 - Presale NOW!


It is no secret that I love a celebration here at celebratePLAY - from creating, hosting, planning, enjoying one as a guest to helping others plan one. It lights me up!!

 ...so with that in mind, keep reading Mummas because I am sharing our top 3 tips that will see you creating an Easter PLAY session that is pretty, practical and AMAZING!!

 Let the celebration begin!!


  1. PLAN FOR THE DAY - daily planning is an essential step when you are striving to do more of what matters most to you. It allows for time to be set aside for specific things eg, work, household duties, projects, PLAY. ...so, by setting a plan for the day of the Easter PLAY session along with the days leading up to it and the days after the session, you are setting yourself up for success.

We love using the daily PLAY planner because it has us cultivating more of what matters most to us while embracing motherhood, household duties and other commitments. Schedule in ‘SIT WITH ME’ time for the Easter PLAY session day and work backwards...jotting down your ideas and what tasks need to be done on a particular day so that you can clear the schedule on the Easter PLAY session day. Whether your day be an elaborate or easy one...break the tasks into bite size chunks and plot them on each day. Be sure to tick them off as you achieve them...because this always feels good and will serve as a great motivator in moving forward.



Grab you and your little learners an Easter Mini Kit from Hand in Hand Activity Kits. It includes three Easter learning experiences and comes with all of the resources needed to complete each one in its entirety. Plan whether you will do one, two or all three activities in the session and schedule them accordingly throughout the day. And hang those creations up in your home!

What we love about these kits - the focus on skills development, the quality of the resources and the opportunity it provides us to connect with our little ones with minimal time to set up. It is something we can get stuck into right away...therefore making it an ideal resource for busy Mummas.




This is a simple step but one that is quite often forgotten or one that is taken without Mumma in it with their little ones. So this tip is to serve as your daily reminder to jump into the pics, embrace the messiness or unpreparedness for the photo...because the goal is to look back at these snapshots and celebrate...celebrate the legacy of PLAY that you have built within your little learners. It is the moments that melt your heart.

 It wouldn’t be a true celebratePLAY guest blog if we didn’t leave you with a little something extra in taking ACTION….

 BONUS TIP - observe, wait and listen to your little ones during this Easter PLAY session because you discover other ways to extend the PLAY and learning for weeks, perhaps, months to come.

Tag us at @handinhandactivitykits and @celebrate_play sharing your snapshots of the day. We can’t wait to cheer you on from the sidelines!

Love this blog...let us know in the comments. We love hearing from y’all...it seriously makes us do a happy dance!

Erin is a Mum of two little learners, wife, Early Childhood and Primary School teacher as well as the bizMum behind celebratePLAY. She lives a busy and play filled life in Sydney. Her greatest passions are organisation, gift-giving, helping others and lifelong learning.

You can find her:

Website - www.celebrateplay.com.au

FB – www.facebook.com/groups/celebrateplay

Insta – www.instagram.com/celebrate_play


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